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Lent 2025
But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matthew 6:6
But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to others to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you. Matthew 6:17-18
But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matthew 6:3-4

Ash Wednesday Liturgy Schedule; Wednesday, March 5
8:00 am St. Andrew, Greenwald - SJSA School Mass
8:15 am Sacred Heart, Freeport - SH School Mass
8:30 am St. Mary, Melrose - SM School Mass *Livestreamed
12:00 pm St. Rose of Lima, St. Rosa
5:30 pm St. John the Baptist, Meire Grove
6:30 pm St. Mary, Melrose - Bilingual Mass
7:00 pm Immaculate Conception, New Munich
7:30 pm St. Michael, Spring Hill

Stations of the Cross Schedule March 6-9
Thursday 8:45 am Immaculate Conception, New Munich
Friday 9:00 am Sacred Heart, Freeport
Friday 2:00 pm St. Andrew, Greenwald (Led by SJSA Students)
Friday 6:30 pm St. Mary, Melrose (Spanish)
Friday 7:00 pm Sacred Heart, Freeport
Saturday 4:00 pm St. Mary, Melrose

Communal Celebration with Individual Confession
Wednesday, April 2; 4:30 & 7:00 pm, St. Mary, Melrose
Friday, April 4; 7:00 pm, Sacred Heart, Freeport
Sunday, April 6; 7:00 pm, St. John the Baptist, Meire Grove
Individual Confession
Fridays of Lent; 7:45 am, Sacred Heart, Freeport
Saturdays of Lent; 3:30 pm, Immaculate Conception, New Munich
Saturdays of Lent; 3:30 pm, St. Andrew, Greenwald
Saturdays of Lent; 4:30 pm, St. Mary, Melrose
Saturday, April 5 before/after First Saturday Mass, Sacred Heart, Freeport
Friday, April 11; 5:30 pm, St. Mary, Melrose
Friday, April 11; 7:30 pm, St. Michael, Spring Hill
Monday, April 14; 5:30 pm, St. Mary, Melrose
Monday, April 14; 7:30 pm, St. John the Baptist, Meire Grove
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