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Mission Statement:
Our mission is to be God's witnesses in the world today by being His heart filled with compassion, voice offering hope and encouragement, and hands of integrity, outstretched in service to God and others. In living out our mission we will:
Commit ourselves to lifelong formation in our faith through study, prayer, and active participation in the Liturgy.
Devote ourselves to the development of strong family life, drawing on the values of the generations that have gone before us.
Recognize the dignity of each person, respecting and seeking respect from conception to natural death.
Cherish our rural tradition, respecting the beauty and sacredness of the earth.
Dedicate ourselves to fostering our community recognizing that faith is a gift which is strengthened when it is given and shared with others.
The Parish of the St. Rose of Lima is handicapped accessible with a gathering space.
Please check our ministry schedule and faith formation, and pages for more information on these topics.
Check out Sacred Heart School for an opportunity to enroll your child(ren) in the fastest growing Catholic School in the area!
Church Groups at
St. Rose of Lima
Adult Choir
Active Youth Group
Christian Women Group
St. Joseph Men's Society
Knights of Columbus
Holy Name Society
Vacation Bible School
Electronic Funds Transfer
Support your parish electronically by downloading the Electronic Funds form, fill it out, and drop it off or mail it to the Tri-Parish office:
106 3rd Ave NE, PO Box 155 Freeport, MN 56331
Prayer Line:
Kayla Harren (320) 333-8461

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